Send someone to love me. 派一個人來愛我
I need to rest in arms. 我需要躺在別人懷裡
Keep me safe from harm讓我不受傷害 
In pouring rain. 在那滂沱大雨之中

Give me endless summer. 給我無盡的夏日
Lord I fear the cold. 上帝,我怕冷
Feel I'm getting old 感覺自己日漸老邁
Before my time. 在臨終時刻到來之前

As my soul heals the shame 當靈魂治癒了羞愧
I will grow through this pain. 我將在痛苦中茁壯
Lord I'm doing all I can 上帝,我正盡我所能
To be a better man. 去做一個更好的人

Go easy on my conscience 安於良心
'Cause it's not my fault. 因為那不是我的錯
I know I've been taught 我知道我曾被教導
To take the blame. 要勇於接受責難

Rest assured my angels. 放心,我的天使們
Will catch my tears. 我會忍住淚水
Walk me out of here. 帶我走出這兒
I'm in pain. 從我在痛苦的深淵中

As my soul heals the shame 當靈魂治癒了羞愧
I will grow through this pain. 我將在痛苦中茁壯
Lord I'm doing all I can 上帝,我正盡我所能
To be a better man. 去做一個更好的人

Once you've found that lover 當你找到了愛人
You're homeward bound. 你就找到家的方向
Love is all around. 愛無所不在
Love is all around. 愛無所不在

I know some have fallen 我明白有人曾摔倒在石地上
On stony ground. 
But Love is all around. 但愛無所不在

Send someone to love me. 派一個人來愛我
I need to rest in arms. 我需要躺在別人懷裡
Keep me safe from harm 讓我不受傷害
In pouring rain. 在那滂沱大雨之中

Give me endless summer. 給我無盡的夏日
Lord I fear the cold. 上帝,我怕冷
Feel I'm getting old 感覺自己日漸老邁
Before my time. 在臨終時刻到來之前

As my soul heals the shame 當靈魂治癒了羞愧
I will grow through this pain. 我將在痛苦中茁壯
Lord I'm doin' all I can 上帝,我正盡我所能
To be a better man.去做一個更好的人

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You are my world my darling
What a wonderful world I see

You are the song I'm singing
You're my beautiful Melody...

Eric: Darling, We better be going
Ariel: Look at her isn't she glowing?
Eric: She looks divine, and you look exquisite, but look at the time
Ariel: Couldn't be is it?

The crew is awaiting your orders
We're sailing away from the borders
Steady boy steady
Ahoy there, they're coming!
Trumpeters ready, drummers start drumming

Down to the sea we go
Down to a world I know
There's never been
Not ever before
A child born of sea and shore

Down to the sea we go
Down to the world below
A journey to bless
A princess to be
Under the sun, and under the sea...

Under the Sea: Ariel is coming (repeated very often)
What's all the big commotion
That's spreading through the ocean
From sea to shining sea
There is no hesitating
Today we celebrating
Ariel's Melody

Lad-da-di-da (repeated very often)
Today when Triton's daughter
Comes back here to the water
We're gonna have a spree
The boat is nearer now
I think I hear her now
Ariel's Melody

Up from the sea we rise
Up to the world of skies
There's never been
Not ever before
A child born of sea and shore

Up from the sea we rise
Up to the world of skies
Forever to be
Together as one
Under the sea...
And under the sun...

This is your world my darling
One world the land and sea
My hope for you for always
Is that your heart will part of me
Down to the sea we go
Down to the world we know
Together we come
Forever to be
Under one sun
The land and the sea...

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Look at me 
You may think you see 
你也許會認為 你已看到了
Who I really am 
But you'll never know me 
Every day 
It's as if I play a part 
Now I see 
If I wear a mask 
I can fool the world 
But I cannot fool my heart 

Who is that girl I see 
Staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show 
Who I am inside? 

I am now 
In a world where I 
Have to hide my heart 
And what I believe in 
But somehow 
I will show the world 
What's inside my heart 
And be loved for who I am

Who is that girl I see 
Staring straight back at me? 
Why is my reflection 
Someone I don't know? 
Must I pretend that I'm 
Someone else for all time? 
When will my reflection show 
Who I am inside? 

There's a heart that must be 
有一顆心 正等著被
Free to fly 
解放 去飛翔
That burns with a need to know 
The reason why 

Why must we all conceal 
What we think, how we feel? 
我們的想法 我們的感受
Must there be a secret me 
I'm forced to hide? 
I won't pretend that I'm
Someone else for all time 
When will my reflection show 
Who I am inside? 

When will my reflection show 
Who I am inside? 

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I see your face, 你溫柔的臉龐

it's haunting me 如影隨形的架著我破碎的心

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I threw a wish in the well
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell
and now you're in my way
I trade my soul for a wish
pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this
but now you're in my way

Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'

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      To start it off I know you know me一開始我就知道你了解我
  To come to think of it, it was only last week.上星期我才開始意識到
  That I had a dream about us, oh.我在營造一個兩個人的夢想
  That's why I am here, I'm writing this song.所以我現在在這裏,我在寫這首歌
  To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,告訴你我一直在受傷
  Someway let me know, you want me girl.以某種方法告訴我吧,女孩,說你需要我。
  Everytime you see me what do you see?每次你注視我的時候你看到了什麽呢?
  I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.我覺得自己像卑微的臣民而你是我的女皇
  Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.親愛的你是我生命中唯一的追求
  Baby that's why:那就是爲什麽
  You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.是你讓我,讓我想要半夜給你打電話
  You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.是你讓我,讓我想要擁著你直到天明
  You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.你讓我陷入愛河,時歡時喜,
  You make me wanna surrender my soul.你讓我甘願奉獻自己的靈魂,不戰自降
  I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.我知道這種感覺無法抵抗
  You're the first and last thing on my mind.你是我心裏的初戀也是唯一
  You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.你讓我陷入愛河,時歡時喜,
  You make me wanna surrender my soul.你讓我甘願奉獻自己的靈魂,不戰自降
  Well I know that these feelings won't end no, no.我知道這些感覺不會結束的,不會的
  They'll just get stronger if I see you again.它們只會再度洶湧,當我與你重聚的時候
  Baby I'm tired of being friends.我已厭倦了只是你的普通朋友
  I wanna know if you feel the same我想知道你也是一樣的想法嗎?
  And could you tell me do you feel my pain?你可以告訴我你感覺到我的痛苦了嗎?
  Don't leave me in doubt.不要讓我一團迷霧
  I'll take you home real quick我將馬上帶你回家
  And sit you down on the couch讓你坐在沙發上
  Pour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.倒一些Dom Perignon 打開燈光
  Baby we can make sweet love.然後我們可以甜蜜地做愛
  Then we'll take it nice and slow.溫柔而又緩慢
  I'm gonna touch you like you've never know before你會感受到我的觸摸,欲罷不能
  We're gonna make love all night.持續整晚

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If you ever leave me baby
Leave some morphine at my door
'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don't have it anymore

There's no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin'
Will keep you by my side
Will keep you from walkin' out the door

Cause there'll be no sunlight if I lose you baby
失去妳 陽光不在
There'll be no clear skies if I lose you baby
失去妳 天空黯淡
Just like the clouds
my eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it will rain

I'll never be your mother's favorite
Your daddy can't even look me in the eye
Oooh if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing
噢!假如我是他們 我也會這麼想
Sayin there goes my little girl
walkin' with that troublesome guy

But they're just afraid of something they can't understand
ooh well little darlin' watch me change their minds
Yea for you I'll try I'll try I'll try I'll try
為了妳,我會一試再試 一直試
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
在流血前 會撿起一片片的心碎
If that'll make you mine

Cause there'll be no sunlight if I lose you baby
失去妳 陽光不在
There'll be no clear skies if I lose you baby
失去妳 天空黯淡
Just like the clouds
my eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it will rain

Don't just say goodbye
Don't just say goodbye
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
在流血前 會撿起一片片的心碎
That'll make it right

Cause there'll be no sunlight if I lose you baby
失去妳 陽光不在
There'll be no clear skies if I lose you baby
失去妳 天空黯淡
Just like the clouds
my eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it will rain

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here’s a fire starting in my heart

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Heart beats fast

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Stupid Cupid you're a real mean guy,
I'd like to clip your wings off so you can't fly.
I am in love and it's crying shame
& I know that you're the one to blame!
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me.

I can't do my homework and I can't think straight
I meet him every morning, 'bout a half past eight.
I'm actin' like a lovesick fool.
You even got me carryin' his books to school
hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me.
You mixed me up for good right from the very start.
Hey, go play Robin Hood, with somebody else's heart.

You've got me jumpin' like a crazy clown,
and I don't feature what you're putting down.
Since I kissed his loving lips of wine,
the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine
hey hey, set me free.
Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me.

You've got me jumpin' like a crazy clown,
and I don't feature what you're putting down.
Since I kissed his loving lips of wine,
The thing that bothers me is that I like it fine.
Hey, hey. Set me free
Stupid cupid stop picking on me.
Hey hey, Set me free
Stupid cupid, stop picking on me.

Stupid Cupid [8x, spoken]

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