There was a girl I knew who always wanted to be the one to stand out from the crowd從前有個女孩一心想自人群中脫穎而出 站在亮麗的舞臺上
Always believed that she was gonna live her dreams她是如此的相信自己的夢想
That what went down was gonna come around她也知道有一天好運終究會降臨在她身上
For all the doubters, non-believers, the cynicals that once were dreamers那些懷著猜忌、失望的人們,那些曾一度相信夢想的人啊
One of these days you'll open up your eyes And you'll realize有一天你們將親眼看見 你們就會開始了解
That girl was a one time teenage drama queen那個風靡全球的高校天后(....可以降子翻嗎....哈哈...)
A hyped up everyday wanna be她曾經終日鬱鬱寡歡
But she'll have changed her destiny但有一天她會親手改寫自己的命運
Now she's a somebody(nobody是沒什麼作為,而somebody則指有所作為)而現在她成功了
That girl was a wild child dreamer but she found herself那個女孩擁有瘋狂的想法,但是她找到了屬於自己的生活方式
'Cause she believes in nothin' else 因為她堅信自己的信念
And you'll look back and you won't beliveThat girl was me轉過身 你回想這一切 你一定不會相信 那個女孩就是我
Armed with an attitude that she knows how to use這個女孩用她一貫的方法跟態度
She's gonna get there any way she can盡她所能的去實現夢想
Now she knows what she wants現在她終於知道她想要的東西
No one is gonna stop her再也沒有什麼事情能夠阻止她
Nothing's ever gonna hold her down任何人也打擊不了她
For all the doubters, non-believers the cynicle that once were dreamers那些懷著猜忌、失望的人們,那些曾一度相信夢想的人啊
One of these days you'll know that you were wrong (who would of known)有一天你們將知道自己看走了眼
Life is a work of art- you gotta paint it colorful生命是種藝術 你可以讓它擁有很多色彩
Can make it anything you want就運用任何你所能想到的東西去豐富你的生命
Don't have to stick to any rules別去想什麼討人厭的規則
You don't need a high IQ to succeed in what you do聰明才智的高低並不代表你是否會成功
You just gotta have no doubt just believe in yourself你只要全心全意的相信自己
Doubters, non-believers, once were dreamers 那些懷著猜忌、失望的人們,那些曾一度相信夢想的人
One of these days you'll open up your eyes 有一天你們將親眼看見
And you'll realize你們就會開始了解